Wednesday, September 18, 2024

No pets…


🫧🐱 Dreaming of a cat…

We’ve had a major misunderstanding with the landlord about “pets”.  The lease Allen received to look over said that all tenants were permitted two pets.  When he spoke to the landlord while looking over the house, the man asked, “Do you have any pets?”  Allen replied honestly, “No.”. And the landlord said, “That’s good.”  But he said nothing about whether or not pets were allowed.

When we finally “signed” the lease [it was only the back page because the landlord did not have a copy of the whole lease with him (!)].  Then he scribbled something in addition after we signed “No smoking or pets.”

I was quite surprised, exclaiming that the lease said we could have two pets!  The landlord said, “That’s for owners, not renters.”  How were we supposed to know that??  We signed the back page of the lease under the impression that we would be allowed a pet!  

I acquired a letter from my doctor explaining my medical need for an Emotional Support Animal.  Before I received it the landlord said we could have a pet with a deposit of $1500 and allowing him unannounced visits to check the condition of his property.  

I texted him a copy of the ESA letter.  He spoke to me and said that he had told Allen “no pets” & my husband was a liar, the ESA made no difference to him, and when I said that I’d been suicidal before he only said, “That’s a shame.”

He did lower the deposit fee to $500 and said his visits would be announced and few, just to check for odors.

This lease, which even he doesn’t follow [especially the part that says all changes to the lease need to be put in written form], says we are responsible for any damages done to the trailer.  Yet he requests a deposit [that former tenants say we will never get back] so he can repair any damages. According to the Fair Housing Act, he is breaking the law by not making reasonable accommodation for my disability.  According to ESA disability laws, he is discriminating against me.

But we find no comfort in laws when it comes to this man, who had us sign an incomplete and incorrect lease.  Apparently he has no regard for the law, nor does he care about the mental well-being of his tenants.

We still need to talk to him about the back deck that is unusable because it is unsafe, and whether there are other parts of the lease that don’t apply to us because we’re “renters” not “owners.”

I am afraid of the landlord.  We are afraid he will evict us because we have no confidence in him.  But I refuse to pay a deposit fee for something I have medical and legal right to get.

Does he think we want to live in a smelly, trashy house; that we won’t take care of a pet if it’s essential for my mental stability?

I just want a cat.  I’ve had two cats before, I’m a certified vet assistant, and “pet smells” are a thing of the past with the latest technology.

May God give me grace to bear this frustration, may he ease my anger and resentment!

Almost “home”

 The trailer is turning out to be a nice cozy place to live!  We do have the constant noise of the Highways the trailer park is located between.  But now we have a TV in the LR and the BR… music available in both rooms!

We still need a washer and dryer, a curtain rod, an ottoman, and some colorful throw pillows.  The place would also be brightened up by more pictures, and maybe a comfy armchair for Allen.

My first try of the sofa was amazing. A great feeling of relacation came upon me. When one has been without a seat of comfort for almost 8 weeks, one realizes what peace there is in a place to rest, physically and emotionally.  In my sofa I found contentment, gratitude, tranquility and ease.

I have also found that tranquility in taking occasional baths… with the room darkened,  candles lit, and solo piano music playing.  

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Really quick…

 Did you know deer actually eat poison ivy!?

Here’s some horses:



Friday, August 16, 2024


 I am still trying to establish a routine here, but we hardly have any furniture; we need a desk for me, a couch, a TV for the living room, a stand to put the TV on, a washer & dryer, and some comfy chairs for inside and outside.

I’ve gotten acquainted with the wildlife in the area.  I try to go for a 1/2 hour hike in the woods a few times a week.

Here’s some photos:

Neighborhood cat

Horses at the nearby stables

Lots of bunnies around!

Polyphemus moth

Groundhog?  Rabbit?  Fox?

Creeping zinnia

Monday, July 22, 2024


 We’re in our new trailer now!  It’s slowly shaping up… bigger and with only three stairs!  We have a porch and a deck.  I’m looking forward to having room to work on card crafts again!

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Home sweet home 🏠

Allen found a trailer we can rent up near his workplace! We are officially moving the second to last weekend in July. It’s crazy chaotic, but I‘m excited.

I’ve never actually “moved” before.… my parents & Allen helped with our other moves, and I didn‘t do much to participate. Now I’m doing the majority of the packing.

It will be fun to “set-up house”, I think.

Thursday, May 30, 2024


 We’ve been told by our landlord that he wants to sell the house.  So we’re looking for a new place!  We’ve started packing already… it’s taken three weeks to get the books weeded and we have enough for a book sale!

Not sure exactly when we’ll have it, but it should be an adventure!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Nothing New Under The Sun

This year has gone by quickly for me!  

Allen is wearing dentures now; he’s still getting used to them.  He left his truck delivery work and is looking for a new job.  My mother, who lives about 30 minutes from us, needs frequent visitors to help with shopping and to keep her company.

My lower back is in frequent pain. I had Radio Frequency Ablation in August, but it didn’t last very long and the procedure was extremely painful.  My insurance won’t cover an MRI so we’ve been unable to determine precisely why my back hurts so much,  though it’s probably related to lumbar scoliosis.

Despite these annoyances, we are relatively healthy.  It is a gift to be able to recognize our blessings, and we give praise to Jehovah-Jirah (the God who provides)!

We’ve also enjoyed hearing updates about Allen’s daughter and her family… granddaughter Zoe turned one year old in November!

We are also immensely grateful to Calvary Chapel Lebanon [CCLeb] and all those who have been praying for us!

Merry Christmas and peace to all! 🙏