Friday, October 06, 2017

Trace the scars...

     Life is never simple.  Never completely in control.  Pain is a part of life.  Learn to seek value in suffering.  Look for where it hurts and run your mind, like gentle fingers, over the wounds.  Feel the healing "pins and needles."  Watch as scar tissue replaces the gaping wound, soothing the shock, covering the intensity, muffling the ache.
     The creation of a scar hurts.  But it is "good" pain... it means the awful, sudden, immediate jolt of HURT is over.  Healing begins.
     Scars cover the "hurt" so the bleeding can stop and rebuilding can begin.
     In time, go back and trace the scars... and they will show you how much you've grown.  Through pain.  Because of pain.  Despite pain.

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