Saturday, July 24, 2004

You Poor Things!

I know, I know, and it's probably a typical "beginning blogger" habit... I haven't written for almost a month. I have my hands full with Heidi, all the books I'm reading, doctors' appointments, and just being so-o tired! Forgive me. I can't say I'm repenting though. I've become an armchair traveler. I'm addicted to reading about China and unless I go blind, I'm not stopping. With the unpleasant summer weather, I've found reading to be my only consolation. My dream summer vacation: alone, in an air-conditioned room with a nice view, unobtrusive room-service, a stack of books on China, a cozy bed, and Heidi. Unfortunately, I'd have to sleep and eat. Well, I have to admit, I've got things pretty good as it is! Quiz: What Chinese symbol are you? Fun link: Mah Jong Mania (requires Shockwave)

Monday, July 05, 2004

Heidi "Dunk"

Heidi and I have bonded well. She is a gorgeous orange tabby with golden-brown eyes that tilt up at the outside corners. Heidi will be 4-months-old on July 10th. Still a kitten, 100%!! She doesn't sleep as much as I do, but she's fine with entertaining herself when I'm sleeping. And I haven't had to shut the door on her like my first kitten (who was only a few weeks old and wanted to nurse from me!).

Now, don't tell Heidi that I'm telling you this, but her first day here we heard a noise in the first-floor bathroom, and Mom saw her speeding away, shaking her paws with every step. A brief peek in the bathroom: the toilet cover was up and there was water on the seat... apparently Heidi accidentally took a bath in the toilet! hee,hee!

With spunk like this little 'un has, I've been too tired to think!

Quiz: What Kind of Cat Are You?

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Lazy, or Intelligent?

"To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world, the most difficult and the most intellectual." -Oscar Wilde
Suffice to say, I'm a "practicing" intellectual. The less I do, the more potential I have to learn something new. Thinking is most perfect when done alone, in the absence of any other activity. Wilde's point seems to be that thinking, as a solitary labor, is that which is most difficult. It has the appearance of inactivity, but it is the greatest challenge in a world defined by industriousness. Let me know if that sounds about right to you...