Monday, July 05, 2004

Heidi "Dunk"

Heidi and I have bonded well. She is a gorgeous orange tabby with golden-brown eyes that tilt up at the outside corners. Heidi will be 4-months-old on July 10th. Still a kitten, 100%!! She doesn't sleep as much as I do, but she's fine with entertaining herself when I'm sleeping. And I haven't had to shut the door on her like my first kitten (who was only a few weeks old and wanted to nurse from me!).

Now, don't tell Heidi that I'm telling you this, but her first day here we heard a noise in the first-floor bathroom, and Mom saw her speeding away, shaking her paws with every step. A brief peek in the bathroom: the toilet cover was up and there was water on the seat... apparently Heidi accidentally took a bath in the toilet! hee,hee!

With spunk like this little 'un has, I've been too tired to think!

Quiz: What Kind of Cat Are You?

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